Join us for Bible Study on Zoom.
Wednesday Morning: 9:00 AM and Wednesday Evening: 5:30 PM
The Bible Study meeting room will open five minutes before the start of the meeting.
Use this link to join: https://zoom.us/j/4234496551
If prompted for a password: 255628
*For those new to Zoom: Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service you can use to virtually meet with others – either by video or audio-only or both, all while conducting live chats.
If you’re new to Zoom, these links may be helpful
Click Here to Download Zoom Now
Click Here to Learn How to Join a Zoom Meeting
Note: You may join via phone call by calling (415) 762-9988, and entering the meeting ID (423 449 6551) when prompted, and then enter the password, 255628, if prompted. Please note that if you join by phone, you will not be able to see or send video.