Please donate plastic eggs and candy for the great hunt!Grace EYC is coordinating an egg hunt for children (crawling infants - 5th graders) on Easter Day. The hunt will immediately…

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Each Resurrection Day, the church is decorated with lily plants.You're invited to order a lily plant ($16) in honor or in memory of loved ones this Easter. Order forms are…

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Holy Week with Jesus  -  Experience Holy Week like never before. From Palm Sunday (April 13) to Easter Sunday (April 20), receive text messages in real time—at dawn, midday, or…

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March 5, 2025Ash Wednesday Service with Imposition of Ashes at: 12 noon & 5:30 p.m. in the church. All are welcome.Ash Wednesday is the first of the forty days of…

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Volunteer Schedule:Tuesday, March 4thWednesday, March 5thSign up sheets are located in the Narthex of the church.** Maximum of 5 wanted (3) to prepare  plates, 1 counter, 1 water station)Those that…

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Stations of the Cross Through the Eyes of Mary-Saturday, March 8 from 9AM - 12 NoonAll are welcome for a morning of reflection.Grace Episcopal Church1000 Leighton Avenue, Anniston, ALRefreshments will…

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