Cursillo & Vocare

What is Cursillo?

Cursillo is a three-day weekend at Camp McDowell which begins on Thursday evening and concludes on Sunday afternoon. During these three days, talks are given by lay persons and clergy who have planned and prepared for the weekend for months. People come from all over the diocese to make a Cursillo weekend happen.
Many people who return from a weekend find their commitment to Christ strengthened and their desire to serve Christ’s Church increased. Returning pilgrims are encouraged to join in the activities of the Grace Cursillo community. The purpose of this community is to give strength and support to each other in order that each person may continue to grow in faith and develop their particular gifts of ministry.

Who can take part?

Cursillo is open to all adult Episcopalians, men and women, married or single. Laity and clergy alike are invited to join the fellowship. Husbands and wives are strongly encouraged to attend the same Cursillo Weekend. 

What is expected of participants?

• To be open and willing to respond to what you experience, to share your feelings with others, and to allow them to share theirs with you.
• To make a genuine effort to discover where you are and where or how you can grow in your Christian life.
• To feel secure in the knowledge that you are accepted where you are and as you are, and to know that a specific response is not expected of you.
• To be curious enough and thirsty enough for spiritual exploration and nourishment to acknowledge a need to commit a weekend of your life totally to Christ.

How do I apply?

Every participant has a sponsor who has attended a Cursillo weekend. The sponsor will assist you in preparing for the weekend and, just as importantly, assist you after the weekend. If you know someone in your parish who has attended a Cursillo weekend, ask them to tell you more and let your priest know about your interest. Pray about it, and if you conclude that you want to go, submit an application that your sponsor will provide.

What is Vocare?

“Vocare” is a form of a Latin word meaning “to call.” The Vocare weekend is a renewal weekend for young adults when they face serious decisions that set the direction for much of their adult life.

Christians who have received the gift of God’s Holy Spirit in the sacrament of Holy Baptism are called by Jesus Christ to grow throughout their life in an intelligent understanding of God, in adoration and love for Him, in praise and thanksgiving, and in readiness to serve others in His name. How are we going to gain the skills to do that? That’s what Vocare is about.

A Vocare weekend is staffed by people in the 18-30 age group and a few clergy. This team prepares for the weekend by working and praying together. There will be a series of talks and discussion that will help participants grow in awareness of being called by God and to help one another in answering this call.

Besides talks and discussions, the weekend provides the chance to pray together, eat, sing, and play. There will be time for some quiet thinking alone, and time for talking with the spiritual directors. There will also be time for rest. That’s holy work, too. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, speak up, laugh, and enjoy the blessings of God in their lives.

Who can attend?

Vocare is open to any young adult who is searching for God’s plan for their life. The traditional age range for those attending is 18-30. It is held at Camp McDowell infrequently but usually once a year. For more information, contact the church.